Home Office Tips: Working From Your Apartment Distraction Free
New to working from home? The year 2020 has likely been a year of adaptation for you in some form or another. This spring, hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S were suddenly using their dining room tables and living rooms as office space and makeshift office desks.
At first, working from home might seem like paradise: wake up late, stay in your pajamas, drink coffee all day, take a two-hour lunch, skip hair combing, and possibly showering.
After a few days, however, many people begin to realize that because home is a place of comfort and relaxation, getting into “work mode” can become difficult as distractions abound.
From your video game console to your phone, the fridge, television, and even the window, it is quite easy to get distracted while trying to work. Not to mention if you are taking care of young children who are currently taking in-home classes through Zoom.
Working from Home at Caprock Apartments
So, in case you find yourself working from your luxurious and awesome Caprock apartment, here are some tips on how to stay focused and maintain productivity.
There are some misconceptions out there that suggest working from your apartment is not possible. But we’re here to let you in on a little secret, it is entirely possible! There are a couple of things to keep in mind and adhere to for optimal results.
Some of these include the following:
Create your own dress code
As appealing as working from your pajamas might sound, it is likely to hinder productivity. There is a psychological component that makes it much easier to relax when we are dressed in pajamas or too casual clothing. Going through the ritual of getting up and getting ready allows us to make the transition into work mode. It creates a sense of responsibility and formality that makes the shift into work hours easier.
Create a work schedule and stick to it
This can be quite difficult for some people, particularly at first. It’s tempting to simply say that “We’ll get to it when we have time.” While part of the perks of working from home is that you get flexibility, you don’t want to end up in a situation where the line between your work and your relaxation time is blurred. This might begin to weigh on your productivity levels. It leads to you working late hours until midnight or ending up with an incredible pile of work on the weekend.
Designate a workspace
Working from home takes discipline and setting standards for yourself that you must meet. Studies have shown that people that designate a workspace will have better luck with productivity. It doesn’t have to be a state-of-the-art office, but a simple desk with the things you need to work will make it easier to get into work mode.
Take breaks and move your body
Strategically implementing short breaks and walks will help maintain your mental clarity and performance. The flexibility in working from home means that you can afford to take small breaks that increase productivity and help you as de-stressors. People have found that scheduling short breaks at least every 2-3 hours helps to increase health and mental focus. If you have a dog, take the dog for a short walk. If not, even stretching or going for a short walk or maybe doing something that you find therapeutic, can serve as a physical break from the sedentary position of working in front of a screen.
Take your morning routine seriously
Sleeping in might feel great for a day or two, but indulge too heavily in a lack of morning routine and you’ll find that your days begin later than usual, you sit down in an unfocused and shuffled state, and you may even find yourself skipping entire mornings and getting started around noon. This might work for some people, but you have to be really honest with yourself about what works for you and what works better. It might take some trial and error.
Be honest with yourself about what works better for you
Everyone is different. This is true. It is biologically possible that there are some people that are predisposed to be “night owls” and some that are “morning people.” Understanding how you work best, being honest with yourself, and trying out different ways to improve, is part of clearly demarcating your work time and play-time.
How Do I Deal With My Children as They are in Virtual School?
During the pandemic of Covid, many professionals have been relegated to working from home, but they are the only ones. Students of all ages have also had to transition into virtual schooling. This means that working from home has now one added element: children that may need some help in their classes or may, inevitably, create unwarranted interruptions. This certainly provides some challenges, but the more you can stick to the above suggestions and even try to get your schedule to match your kids, the better. Ensuring that they have breaks and can step away for a moment is also important.
In the end, there is no perfect way to work from home. There will be a trial and error period, depending on your particular circumstances, the kind of work you do, and what works better for you. These general tips seem to help a lot of people that are first working through distractions when working.
Go Above and Beyond with Caprock Apartments!
Here at Caprock Apartments, we make sure that you are in a comfortable and beautiful place. We take care of the maintenance or any issues so you don’t have to worry about it. That is one less thing to worry about. Are you looking for a great place to live in El Paso? Call us today and see what we have available.