How to Find a Trustworthy Roommate

Six Traits to Look for In a Roommate
When you are seeking a roommate, you’ll want to choose someone whose lifestyle fits with your own. Looking for the six traits listed below will help ensure that your roommate is actually a good fit.
- Open Communicator: Basic honesty about finances, schedules, cleanliness, overnight guests and other important matters is essential to harmonious coexistence.
- Adaptable: When two or more people are sharing close quarters, adaptability is a must. All parties must be willing to make reasonable compromises to keep the peace.
- Considerate: This doesn’t mean always letting the other person have his or her way. It does mean doing things like keeping the noise down late at night when your roommate is sleeping.
- Reliable: Of course it’s great if you and your roommate become good friends, but that doesn’t always happen. What is essential is that you and your roommate can count on one another for support when things happen.
- Reasonably Clean: Your roommate doesn’t need to be a total clean freak. But an Odd Couple situation with one Felix and one Oscar is a guaranteed recipe for disaster.
- Respectful: Disputes between roommates are inevitable. But as long as you’re willing to meet one another halfway, you should be able to work out most disagreements.
Is Your Prospective Roommate Trustworthy & Financially Stable?
Get everything in writing. No exceptions.
Once you’ve determined that a prospective roommate is a good match for you in temperament and lifestyle, your work still isn’t done. You should also ask yourself the following five questions to ensure that your would-be roommate is trustworthy and financially stable.
- Does he or she have references? Friends are among the best possible references for would-be roommates. They can give you the 411 on the person’s integrity, financial stability and other characteristics. Asking a prospective roommate for references and then checking them out is an essential element of due diligence.
- Have you met in person? No matter how great someone seems on paper or over the phone, there is no substitute for meeting him or her in person. You’ll be able to read nonverbal cues that could signal red flags.
- Do they seem reasonably stable? Nearly everyone has some baggage, but you don’t want to take on someone who can’t seem to hold a job or who has been thrown out of his or her last three apartments because of unpaid rent or causing disturbances.
- Are you both clear on finances? It is essential that all parties are on the same page about who pays what share of the rent and utilities – and whether you’ll share grocery expenses.
- Is he or she willing to sign an agreement? Get everything in writing. There are no exceptions. If a prospective roommate balks about signing an agreement, do not share space with him or her.
Whether you’ve decided to share space with a roommate or go it alone, Caprock Apartments has just the right unit for you.

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